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Moteurs de Recherches Universels , Universals Search Engines

    Alta Vista US : AltaVista vous permet d'accéder à l'index le plus important du Web: 30 millions de pages figurant sur 275 600 serveurs et trois millions d'articles provenant de 8000 groupes d'informations Usenet. Plus de 23 millions d'accès par jour ouvré.

    AltaVista gives you access to the largest Web index: 30 million pages found on 275,600 servers, and four million articles from 8,000 Usenet news groups. It is accessed more than 23 million times per weekday.


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    Internet Sleuth : Search The Sleuth. Home. Arts Architecture Genealogy History Humanities Literature Business...




    Meta Crawler


    Radar: International search engine. In English and Spanish.


    Web Crawler : Web Crawler. Here are some things that I found on the Internet


    Web Surfer


    Web Search


    Yellow Page : New Riders Official WWW Yellow Pages Enhanced Listings.



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